Monthly Archives: December 2021

STAR Leadership Academy to Celebrate Graduation Ceremony – Virtually

On Friday the 17th of December, STAR Leadership Academy (SLA)- the leadership academy by Higherlife Foundation- will have the honor of hosting its first-ever virtual graduation ceremony, giving the Classes of 2020 and 2021 the send-off they deserve – despite the effects of the global COVID-19 pandemic.  The virtual event will see the graduates take ...
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10 Facts About the World Water Crisis

784 million people around the world are without basic water access. That’s more than twice the population of the United States.  More people die from unsafe water than from all forms of violence, including war.  Two billion people, or about 1 in 4, lack access to a toilet or latrine. Diarrheal diseases, caused primarily by unsafe water and poor ...
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Pfumvudza training renews hope in Shamva

Lorraine of Ward 11 in Shamva entered into a marriage at a young age. At 21, she is already raising two children with her 24-year-old husband in the mining town in Mashonaland Central. The couple struggles to make ends meet, as Lorraine is a full-time housewife who spends her days caring for their children aged ...
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