Tsitsi and Elizabeth Tanya Masiyiwa discuss how a gender lens and systems change thinking are starting to transform Africa

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  • Tsitsi and Elizabeth Tanya Masiyiwa discuss how a gender lens and systems change thinking are starting to transform Africa

At Higherlife Foundation, we are privileged to be led by two phenomenal women Tsitsi and Elizabeth Tanya Masiyiwa who use their influence, knowledge and resources to move communities forward and transform lives!

“Women with power, authority, and influence … will be the key driver of success in bringing Africa
from fragility and low income to having middle-, upper-middle income economies” – Tsitsi Masiyiwa.

Recently the mother-daughter sat down with renowned journalist and practitioner Matthew Bishop to share more about their philanthropic journey and commitment to advancing women’s empowerment in this year’s Social Investor Magazine from Chandler Foundation!

“The gender lens is critical for Africa to turn the corner.” – Elizabeth Tanya Masiyiwa

Access the full article here: https://bit.ly/3VBChqU


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