Taking Ruzivo to the people – NAPH conference

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  • Taking Ruzivo to the people – NAPH conference

Recently the Higherlife Foundation team in partnership with Econet wireless exhibited Ruzivo at the 26th edition of the National Association of Primary School Heads (NAPH) conference which was held in Victoria-Falls, Zimbabwe.The conference is held annually, rotating all the provinces in Zimbabwe. One of the mandates of the Association is to support education initiaitves in primary schools in Zimbabwe. This 2-day conference brought together over 2000 primary school head masters, Provincial Education Directors, education Ministry officials and the Minister of Primary and Secondary education, Honorable Lazarus Dokora. With such a big subscription, this conference was the perfect place to pitch Ruzivo to increase awareness and acceptance of the product in primary schools.

Higherlife Foundation Executive Director Mr. F. Mandiveyi also delivered a speech on technology as a key element of the new curriculum which worked very well with Ruzivo’s features, capabilities and the convenience it brings to schools, teachers and headmasters. In his speech Mr. Mandiveyi said “As Higherlife Foundation we are supported by an information technology driven company, Econet Wireless. We believe that ICTs will propel us to the heights we intend to reach. When we looked at all these challenges, we pondered on what the best solution could be. And we turned to technology as being a big part of the answer in how we resolve the challenges confronting education.

We saw technology enabling us to achieve scale and providing the multiplier effect. We saw technology providing access to quality learning resources for all, and bridging the gap between the rich and the poor. And so we began to develop a technology enabler called Ruzivo Smart Learning platform, to adress some of these challenges and allow us to catch up and leap frog our children’s peers in developed countries. Ruzivo is aimed at addressing the challenges we are observing in education at the moment. It is accessible from any device – mobile phone, tablet or desktop – as long as it is connected to the internet. We believe that Ruzivo will enhance the learning experience, make learning fun again, and integrate learning to modern day technology and 21st Century Skills.”

In his final words he spoke of the importance of the teacher training for the easy delivery of Ruzivo to the children Mr. Manidveyi said, “As a unique player in the education space, we believe we have special competences we can bring to the table, including, among others, the training of teachers and educators in specialized ITC skills for they are better learning facilitators in their schools”

A highlight of the event was when the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education, Honorable Lazarus Dokora endorsed Higherlife and Econet’s work by thanking the two organisations for creating Ruzivo and contributing immensely to Zimbabwe’s education sector through other relevant initiatives.

To cap off the event 3 lucky schools walked away with tablets to be installed at their school through a raffle draw where the first prize was 40 tablets, second prize was 30 tablets and the 3rd prize was 20 tablets. The lucky schools were Sunningdale 1 Primary School in Harare Alpha Bricks Primary school and Lusumbami Primary school in Hwange respectively.


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