
Trust-based philanthropy in action

Imagine a non-profit organisation that listens to the needs of the community it seeks to serve? Understands its cultures and sensitivities before it designs its programming?  An organisation that does not prescribe solutions but walks hand in hand with those who understand the terrain to ensure maximum impact.  An organisation conceptualised with Africa at the ...
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‘The Need Is So Great’:Tsitsi Masiyiwa On New Gender Fund

IN MARCH, AFRICAN PHILANTHROPIST AND SOCIAL entrepreneur, Tsitsi Masiyiwa, and other world philanthropists came together to raise $1 billion to advance gender equality and women’s leadership. The organization, Co-Impact, launched The Gender Fund to bring significant resources into a grossly underfunded space and address “gendered systems” – the underlying norms, laws, practices, sanctions, and decision-making ...
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Higherlife Foundation Co-Founder Tsitsi Masiyiwa speaks on Sparking Global Change Through Catalytic Capital

How are we using the platform that God has given us to influence decision-makers and our communities to do good?” This is the question that drives Tsitsi Masiyiwa. This is the question that drives our Executive Chair and Co-Founder Mrs Tsitsi Masiyiwa. Tsitsi draws on her years of experience in philanthropy and as a social ...
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STAR Leadership Academy to Celebrate Graduation Ceremony – Virtually

On Friday the 17th of December, STAR Leadership Academy (SLA)- the leadership academy by Higherlife Foundation- will have the honor of hosting its first-ever virtual graduation ceremony, giving the Classes of 2020 and 2021 the send-off they deserve – despite the effects of the global COVID-19 pandemic.  The virtual event will see the graduates take ...
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Higherlife Foundation Co-Founder, Strive Masiyiwa, recognized as Africa’s top Digital Leader

On 18 November 2021, Higherlife Foundation Co-Founder and Co-Chair, Strive Masiyiwa was recognized as the leading shaper of Africa’s digital landscape by the Africa Report in its first ever ranking of 40 of the digital economy’s power players. A leader in an industry that has continued to exceed expectations in Africa, telecommunications, Mr. Masiyiwa continues ...
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Higherlife Foundation Turns 25

25 years ago, Higherlife foundation was born in response to the devastating HIV/AIDS epidemic which left many children in Zimbabwe orphaned and vulnerable. “When my husband and I started our organization in 1996, it was at the height of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Zimbabwe, we were compelled to respond to the heart-breaking crisis we were experiencing”. said, Higherlife Foundation Co-Founder and Chair, Mrs Tsitsi Masiyiwa. ...
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