Girls Empowerment

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STAR Leadership Academy Students Awarded Prestigious Harare International School Scholarships

Three STAR Leadership Academy (SLA) students, Nicole Phiri, Nokutenda Dzobo and Simone Kamupinya, recently awarded full scholarships to attend the Harare International School (HIS) say the skills they gained at SLA will help them adapt to the new environment.  HIS is a premier international school in Zimbabwe. It is the only institution offering the International ...
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‘The Need Is So Great’:Tsitsi Masiyiwa On New Gender Fund

IN MARCH, AFRICAN PHILANTHROPIST AND SOCIAL entrepreneur, Tsitsi Masiyiwa, and other world philanthropists came together to raise $1 billion to advance gender equality and women’s leadership. The organization, Co-Impact, launched The Gender Fund to bring significant resources into a grossly underfunded space and address “gendered systems” – the underlying norms, laws, practices, sanctions, and decision-making ...
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Radio and TV personality, Patience Musa, joins group mentorship initiative

Higherlife Foundation recently partnered with renowned radio and television personality Patience Musa for a girls mentorship session at Malbereign Girls High school in Harare, as part of its group mentorship program. The group mentorship program that connects young people with professionals in Zimbabwe, was launched to further Higherlife Foundation’s relentless passion to invest in Africa’s ...
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