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In the fight against Zimbabwe’s cholera outbreak  

Amidst the ongoing cholera outbreak in Zimbabwe, which has recorded more than 2,000 suspected cases and tragically claimed the lives of 15 individuals confirmed by laboratory tests, Higherlife Foundation is taking action by providing crucial resources in the fight against the disease.  Ms Gladys Mvumira, the Higherlife Foundation Water and Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Lead, ...
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STAR Leadership Academy Students Awarded Prestigious Harare International School Scholarships

Three STAR Leadership Academy (SLA) students, Nicole Phiri, Nokutenda Dzobo and Simone Kamupinya, recently awarded full scholarships to attend the Harare International School (HIS) say the skills they gained at SLA will help them adapt to the new environment.  HIS is a premier international school in Zimbabwe. It is the only institution offering the International ...
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Seek, reach, receive – what we need to reduce maternal mortality

Dr Kennedy Mubaiwa Higherlife Foundation Chief Executive Officer makes a case for more training programs for healthcare workers. He posits that skills improvement may help reduce maternal mortality rates in Africa.  Recently, the World Health Organisation released a report on the trends in maternal mortality from 2000-2020. The numbers were a cold reminder of how ...
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HLF Fellow among 16 Zimbabwe gender champions

Charline Vuta a Higherlife Foundation fellow was recently named a gender champion amongst other youths who are pushing back against gender-based violence and promoting gender equality in Zimbabwe. Through her school Charltan School Trust for early married women and adolescent mothers, Charline offers a one year rehabilitation program where the mothers can keep their babies ...
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‘The Need Is So Great’:Tsitsi Masiyiwa On New Gender Fund

IN MARCH, AFRICAN PHILANTHROPIST AND SOCIAL entrepreneur, Tsitsi Masiyiwa, and other world philanthropists came together to raise $1 billion to advance gender equality and women’s leadership. The organization, Co-Impact, launched The Gender Fund to bring significant resources into a grossly underfunded space and address “gendered systems” – the underlying norms, laws, practices, sanctions, and decision-making ...
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