Do you want to study in China, for a year?

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  • Do you want to study in China, for a year?

I am pleased to announce that I have joined a group of international donors, who are participating in a $350m Scholarship program, called the Schwarzman Scholars, started by the founder of Blackstone, Mr Stephen Schwarzman. Blackstone is one of the biggest financial organisations in the world.

The program aims to send up to 200 students every year, from around the world, to undertake a Masters degree at one of China’s top universities.The students who will live and study together for one year, will focus their attention on trying to understand the economic, political and cultural factors, that have contributed to China’s growth. They will do this under the tutorship of some of China’s leading academics, as well as top academics from other parts of the world, in a Chinese environment.

As you know, providing educational opportunities is one of my passions in life. Since we started our Capernaum Trust Scholarship program for orphans, over 20 years ago, we have sent to school more than 200,000 children. At any given time we are now supporting, through school fees, and financial assistance more than 30,000 orphans.

Ten years ago, my wife and I decided to honour Dr Joshua Nkomo, one of the founders of modern Africa, with a scholarship in his name. Each year we give university scholarships to 100 students.
There are currently more than 350 students studying in America, who were either recipients of a Capernaum Trust Scholarship, or a Joshua Nkomo Scholarship. Some of them we support directly, whilst others got scholarships after passing with flying colours, back home in their country, due to our assistance. We also thousands of students at African universities, as well as specialised programs at Oxford University in England, Morehouse College and Spelman College, in the United States.

Returning to the Schwarzman Scholarships, if you know a brilliant young person (from anywhere in the world) whom you believe can qualify for this highly competitive program, please send them to my blog (Link Below) where I have posted more details. And when they make it, please post here, so we can celebrate with them.

This was a pause. I will continue with the the series on the Africans in the Diaspora next week.


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