In the previous post we saw what 24 Global leaders from Midlands State University (MSU) did at Gweru General Hospital, clearing 2 acres of land to ensure a clean environment for one of the major hospitals in the country.
Environmental awareness to the people is very important as natural resources help improve the conditions of living, environmentally and economically. When a forest is lost anywhere, people experience the effect anywhere. This is similar when education and knowledge is ‘lost’; the communities experience the negative effects of the lack of knowledge and education. In the heart of Harare, Zimbabwe, 32 Global Leaders from Harare Institute of Technology and University of Zimbabwe came together and initiated the Tree pot filling project in effort to inspire and transform the lives of Orphaned children at Dzikwa Orphanage.
Projects such as Dzikwa Pot filling projects are one of the many community engagements and once off projects that Global leaders embark on as a way to respond to the needs of the communities in their area. The lives of orphaned children at Dzikwa orphanage inspired the 32 Global Leaders to take this as a platform to reach out to orphaned children at Dzikwa and also bring awareness to the deforestation taking place in the country. During such community engagements, there is an organic life skills transfer that takes place hence empowering the youth to become responsive leaders. The Global leaders together with the HLF Talent Development team and the children at Dzikwa participated in the tree filling training conducted by the Forestry authorities on the day. The children and Global leaders filled a total of 3,000 pots.
A key take out from this is that, it is possible for social institutions run income-generating projects to sustain their operations and empower the youth with the necessary life skills. In doing so, a culture of continuous learning takes place while young responsive leaders are being raised and groomed.