Higherlife Foundation launches book on Philanthropy at 2018 African Philanthropy Forum in Johannesburg, South Africa
The African Philanthropy Forum (APF) Annual Conference 2018 recently held in Johannesburg themed- Potential and Reality- saw the coming together of over 200 delegates from around the world to explore one goal – to leave Africa better than they found it through giving. Through enlightening plenaries, fireside chats as well as thought-provoking nuts and bolts sessions, the conference explored the evolution of African philanthropy particularly the role of philanthropists and social investors in bridging the gap between Africa’s potential and its reality. Throughout the conference it was clear how a new narrative on philanthropy is on the rise. Gone are the days that one has to be a big name with influence or that one has to be wealthy to give. Across the African continent people are giving every day, in their own way, in ways big and small, playing their part in uplifting their communities and contributing to the building of a more sustainable Africa.
At the conference Higherlife Foundation was proud to launch a book based on research on African philanthropy titled; African Philanthropy: Evoution, Practice, and Change authored by Dr. Tendai Murisa. Dr. Tendai Murisa is a development practitioner and researcher in the areas of philanthropy, public policy, agency, social movements, NGOs, and pro-poor development across Africa. Learn more at www.tendai.murisa.org .
Published by Higherlife Foundation, the book explores how philanthropy is operating in Africa today through a synopsis of the philanthropic work done in Africa by Africans and acknowledges the many forms of philanthropy across the African Continent. The book celebrates how African philanthropists stand in a unique position to effect positive change.
Through a look at African Philanthropy organizations such as Higherlife Foundation; how they emerged, are structured, operate, grow and sustain themselves, the book gives pragmatic and invaluable insights into how Africans can harness home-grown philanthropy.
“This publication offers pragmatic insights into how we can harness the power of philanthropy-particularly home-grown philanthropy –to bridge the gap between Africa’s potential and reality”- Tsitsi Masiyiwa Executive Chair Higherlife Foundation.
African Philanthropy: Evolution, Practice, and Change is now available globally as an e-book on Amazon.
The conference which continues to redefine the face of African Philanthropy is in its 5th year; hosting Africa’s leading men and women from all walks of life who are invested in the deepening and strengthening of philanthropy on the African continent through collaboration. Learn more at www.africanpf.org