History Maker attends the National Union of Students (NUS) Women’s Conference 2017

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  • History Maker attends the National Union of Students (NUS) Women’s Conference 2017

On the 28th of March 2017 one of Higherlife Foundation’s History Makers Tsungai Mujera, travelled to Solihull, Birmingham for the National Union of Students (NUS) Women’s Conference 2017 with two other delegates from her college Sussex Coast College.
The conference brought together women students from all over the United Kingdom (UK), to plan campaigns and discuss issues that the union would focus on in the coming year as well as to elect the new leadership to implement the discussed campaigns.

Tsungai Mujera was awarded a full scholarship; by Higherlife Foundation, to attend Sussex Coast College in the UK in 2015, after being identified for her amazing academic performance and leadership potential. A natural born leader Tsungai, rose the ranks of leadership from executive secretary to become Student President of Sussex Coast College after realizing her passion for politics and social justice.

“I want to remove the notion that politics is an old people’s game from the minds of young people and making them realize that it’s everyone’s business because politics governs our day to day activities. Therefore, we should all get involved”, expressed Tsungai.

In her role as executive secretary then student president, the dynamic young lady attends various conferences that bring together future leaders from Scotland, Wales and the UK. Together they debate on motions, and challenge the governments on issues that affect the students in their colleges.

At the National Union of Students (NUS) Women’s Conference- a conference that exists to represent and extend and defend the rights of women students- Tsungai had the amazing opportunity to connect with women from all walks of life who also aspire to change the world. Over three days the women enjoyed opportunities for learning and inspiration.

It is this experience that motivated Tsungai to contribute even more to her project- that focuses on empowering the girl child- in Zimbabwe. “I want to make sure that every young girl gets the opportunity that I got,” stated Tsungai.

History Makers like Tsungai are the reason that we at Higherlife Foundation will continue to invest in Africa’s future by empowering vulnerable children through education and creating opportunities for highly talented young people. Together with our History Makers we will take Africa to where it is supposed to be!


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