Radio and TV personality, Patience Musa, joins group mentorship initiative

Higherlife Foundation recently partnered with renowned radio and television personality Patience Musa for a girls mentorship session at Malbereign Girls High school in Harare, as part of its group mentorship program.

The group mentorship program that connects young people with professionals in Zimbabwe, was launched to further Higherlife Foundation’s relentless passion to invest in Africa’s future through education and opportunities for all round development and potential of its youth. Through the program, the youth are equipped with a life skills manual that offers them psychosocial support and encourages them to grow into responsible leaders in their communities.


The program which will also see renowned Zimbabwean professionals such as Gary Thompson, Prudence Katomeni Mbofana, Ruvheneko Parirenyatwa and Prayersoul come in as mentors for young girls and boys in schools around the country, is a step forward in empowering Zimbabwean youth to realize their full potential.

During the session at Malbereign Girls High, many of the girls shared the challenges they face on a day to day basis as girl students. In response, Patience- a popular Zimbabwean entertainment professional- shared her life story of how she persevered to become the person she is today and encouraged the girls to stay focused to overcome difficulties.

In her words to the girls, Patience Musa who works for ZiFM Stereo as a producer/presenter, emphasized the need for the girls to make the right choices and the importance of them empowering each other in a world full of gender disparity.

“You’re beautiful and there’s nothing you cannot do. Make the right choices and build each other up, do not destroy each other” Said Patience.

She also highlighted the positive impact the girls’ education played in the future of their communities as well as in their development into the enlightened, bold female leaders who are determined to solve our continent’s problems.

Thanks to volunteers like Patience, Higherlife Foundation provides over 60 000 mentorship hours annually to young people; in the hope of accelerating the personal and professional development of over 2 million future African leaders by 2020.

See more of Higherlife Foundations Co-Chair, Mrs. Tsitsi Masiyiwa’s mentorship initiatives at:


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