On Friday the 17th of December, STAR Leadership Academy (SLA)- the leadership academy by Higherlife Foundation- will have the honor of hosting its first-ever virtual graduation ceremony, giving the Classes of 2020 and 2021 the send-off they deserve – despite the effects of the global COVID-19 pandemic.
The virtual event will see the graduates take to the digital stage thanks to Zoom and Facebook where they will be joined and celebrated by their family members, fellow peers, SLA staff, and the wider community.
From moving musical pieces to thought-provoking speeches, the graduation is a must attend affair! To be part of the heartwarming graduation ceremony you can watch it live on the below Zoom details:
Meeting ID: 839 7642 7201
Passcode: 942799
The event will also be broadcasted live on the STAR Leadership Academy Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/starleadershipacademy
Founded in 2019, the STAR Leadership Academy strives to develop a pipeline of leaders and raise a generation of value based young people committed to transforming the continent through an intensive educational and experiential learning program. The one-year program provides students with leadership skills, challenges their identity and cultural awareness and builds commitment to servant leadership, investing in their families, communities, nation and continent. To date 157 young people aged 16-17 from 5 African countries have participated in the year long program at STAR Leadership Academy.
For more information on this premium academy, visit them on their website