Faith in God is one of the core values ingrained in our organisational identity. Prayer, as it follows, becomes a key component of exercising that faith.
The Lift Up Africa Prayer Campaign exemplifies this belief, aligned with our vision as an organisation that seeks to help Africans fulfil their God-given purpose.
Through this campaign, we have witnessed incredible results that have inspired us to continue building upon this platform. What began as a 90-day prayer campaign in Zimbabwe during the Covid-19 pandemic has grown to encompass the entire continent under the Lift Up Africa banner.
It gave hope in times of distress and uncertainty, providing us with a sense of peace and comfort, reminding us that we are not alone and that God is with us.
The idea is for Africans to call on God, believing he will fulfil his plans for the continent. Prayer, therefore, becomes more than just a conversation with God; it’s about reaching out, finding Him, and walking with Him.
This is the message in Ephesians 6:18, which says pray in the spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere. We pray so that we meet with God.
This is why we have the 90 Days of Prayer, a platform to call on God concerning specific things. Throughout the campaign we have used the platform to educate on issues about the continent, such as the youth and unemployment, challenges facing public health, and the relationship between Africa and the diaspora.
Prayer allows us to incubate ideas, discuss solutions and receive revelations about the future. It’s a way of aligning ourselves with the power, resources, and capacity we already possess. Some of the most significant historical figures spent time praying, seeking guidance and direction.
When we connect with God, it inspires and settles our mission and purpose in life. The 90-day prayer campaign is an opportunity to build a habit of deliberately and persistently connecting with God and our purpose. By doing so, we can expect an explosion of positive change and growth throughout Africa.
We can’t meet for 90 days and expect nothing. Ultimately, prayer doesn’t change God; it changes us.
Lift Up Africa Brief Background:
The Lift Up 90 Days of Prayer Campaign started in January 2021 as a prayer for Zimbabwe during the second Covid-19 wave. The Campaign has since grown beyond Zimbabwe to become a rallying point for African Christians to intercede on different issues affecting the continent, including aspirations for economic development, the youth, and peace across Africa. Lift Up Africa is run by Global Intercessors and supported by Higherlife Foundation.